When SAHMone Speaks Meme

When SAHMone Speaks
When you were younger, did you set an ideal age to marry?

How are you today? Well, the question for this week is about ideal age to get married.  When i was younger i set my age to get married when i will be 25 years old but I went to college and got married at the age of 29.  I got pregnant seven days after i married hubby and at the age of 30 Chris was born. I remembered my mom keep asking me when i will get married since i am already 27 at that time she asked that question. I am a working student in college and i wanted to finish before marrying my kind of guy. I got married but did not finished my college since my visa came one semester ahead of my graduation sana :)...But anyway, that was happening already i cannot changed it.

6 Love Notes:

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Big bag theories... The pits... And everything else... What do you think?

Wicker Furniture said...

This is the second question I've asked that conforms to the meme, except this one is more in a referential way. How did this meme of appending stupid questions to the phrase "Spiritually speaking" start?

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