Yoga for Relaxation

This guest post from Lewis Beck

I have a special routine that I follow each day before heading out to yoga. Since my class is at seven in the morning, I get up and grab a quick shower so that my hair isn't sticking out everywhere. Afterwards, I get dressed in a comfortable pair of pants and shirt and take the dogs outside. I come in, feed the dogs, set my home security alarm from and head out to the gym. Yoga class is probably what keeps me from losing my mind each day at work; after all, it not only helps work unused muscles, but it also relaxes my mind.

I couldn't imagine being stuck at the office for eight hours without having first visited yoga class. I still remember when my friends first mentioned that I should try yoga; I wasn't too open-minded about it. However, after one visit, I became hooked. I was so sore the following day that I couldn't believe that a bunch of stretching made that possible. I normally lift weights, but I have never been as sore as that first time I tried yoga. Now that yoga is part of my exercise routine, I feel stronger and healthier than ever before.

6 Love Notes:

debt settlement said...

Yoga is not only for to be fit and healthy but also for relaxation means after doing yoga one can feel relaxed from all the tensions of his mind.

Underfloor Heating Installition said...

Yes Off course! Yoga is not only for keep fit and smart to yourself but its a good feeling to relax your mind. I like your daily routine how nicely you manage all your work.
Thank you for sharing such a good post with us.

Kitchen design said...

People have been telling me though it is not good to have a hot oven next to the fridge for technical reasons. Supoosedly the oven will ruin the fridge.

Kitchen design said...

It's your kitchen, just tell her where you want it. It is common to have them side by side though

Wicker Furniture said...

i am interested in taking up yoga, but i am not sure where to start or it is for me. i want to learn to relax and tone my body. i don't know how do get into the yoga mind frame and am curious to know how to get there.

Villa rental in Cannes said...

Yoga is very beneficial for our health and they also relax our body.Every one should do yoga daily.